DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2020-0-6-44-47
УДК 621.892.84
Moykin A.A.1, Medzhibovsky A.S.1, Kriushin S.A.2, Seleznev M.V.2, Kirikov E.N.3
(1LLC NPP KVALIET FAU, 2 «25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of Russia», 3JSC «Ural Civil Aviation Plant»)
Development of thickened semi-synthetic engine oil M-5z / 20 AERO for four-stroke gasoline engines aircraft piston of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
Keywords: engine oil, piston engine, remotely-piloted aerial vehicle, UAV.
Nowadays, the creation of remotely-piloted aerial vehicles for various purposes is regarded as one of the most relevant and promising trends of aircraft development. FAU «25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation» have studied the operation features of aircraft piston engines and developed technical requirements for motor oil for piston four-stroke UAV engines, as well as a new engine oil M-5z/20 AERO in cooperation with NPP KVALITET, LLC. Based on the complex of qualification tests, the stated operational properties of the experimental-industrial batch of M-5z/20 AERO oil are generally confirmed.