Содержание и применение спецификаций к моторным маслам ассоциации европейских производителей автомобилей (ACEA)
DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2024-0-1-16-28
УДК 621.89
Ivanov A.V. (FAE “The 25th State Research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”, Moscow)
Keywords: specification, contains, requirements, engine oils, exhaust aftertreatment devices, standartisation, service category, performance properties, ecology.
Abstract. The article discusses a brief history of the appearance, purpose and principle of construction, as well as analyzes the content of the current ACEA European Oil Sequences specifications for motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines of cars issued 2021-2022, provides a set of laboratory and motor test methods for motor oils of classes «A/B,» «C» and «E», their main physical and chemical properties, the specifics of the use of motor oils of various classes and service categories in modern engines, the features of the use of motor oils of European production in the Russian Federation are considered.